I am conducting a survey of goat owners and their deworming practices. If you currently own goats, I would very much appreciate it if you would participate in the survey. If you have friends who own goats, please encourage them to participate in the survey as well. If you do not own goats, the questions really won't apply to you - I'm sorry!
No identifying information will be asked in the survey, and all responses are anonymous. You will not be contacted based on any response given in the survey.
The survey can be found at https://survey.zohopublic.com/zs/8FBVuX
Thank you so much for your time!
No identifying information will be asked in the survey, and all responses are anonymous. You will not be contacted based on any response given in the survey.
The survey can be found at https://survey.zohopublic.com/zs/8FBVuX
Thank you so much for your time!
None of the information contained on this site is intended to diagnose, treat, or otherwise substitute for the care and advice from a qualified human or animal medical professional. Please consult the trusted medical professional of your choice before using any of the information contained on this site.
None of the information contained on this site is intended to diagnose, treat, or otherwise substitute for the care and advice from a qualified human or animal medical professional. Please consult the trusted medical professional of your choice before using any of the information contained on this site.