Our Farm

Wildflowers often grow in unexpected places, with less than ideal conditions. They thrive however, right where they are, because God is their caretaker. That pretty much describes our family farm, and thus is the inspiration for our farm name.
We are located in the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains, and are proud to call this beautiful valley our home. Our "farm" is a bit non-traditional because of its size and location. We live on a small, semi-urban lot inside the "city" limits of a tiny East Tennessee town . What is "semi-urban" you ask? Well if you have ever been to our little neighborhood, you will understand that this "town" is not large enough to truly be considered urban. However, the neighbors are too close to be considered rural or even suburban and, because the town is incorporated, there are still town ordinances that we must abide by - such as "no livestock inside the town limits." Thankfully, that "livestock" definition only pertains to animals with hooves, so we are able to keep non-hooved livestock, so long as none of them violate the town's noise ordinance. Aren't small towns awesome?!
The goal and purpose of what we do is to be as self sufficient as possible, despite our lack of space. Our current space limitations require us to "make do" with what we have, where we are. We often daydream about what we could do with more space, and then remind ourselves that we can do a lot right here, right now. So, we often stop and thank the good Lord for blessing us with what we do have. We are only limited by our imagination and knowledge, and both of those always have room for growth.
We are located in the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains, and are proud to call this beautiful valley our home. Our "farm" is a bit non-traditional because of its size and location. We live on a small, semi-urban lot inside the "city" limits of a tiny East Tennessee town . What is "semi-urban" you ask? Well if you have ever been to our little neighborhood, you will understand that this "town" is not large enough to truly be considered urban. However, the neighbors are too close to be considered rural or even suburban and, because the town is incorporated, there are still town ordinances that we must abide by - such as "no livestock inside the town limits." Thankfully, that "livestock" definition only pertains to animals with hooves, so we are able to keep non-hooved livestock, so long as none of them violate the town's noise ordinance. Aren't small towns awesome?!
The goal and purpose of what we do is to be as self sufficient as possible, despite our lack of space. Our current space limitations require us to "make do" with what we have, where we are. We often daydream about what we could do with more space, and then remind ourselves that we can do a lot right here, right now. So, we often stop and thank the good Lord for blessing us with what we do have. We are only limited by our imagination and knowledge, and both of those always have room for growth.
None of the information contained on this site is intended to diagnose, treat, or otherwise substitute for the care and advice from a qualified human or animal medical professional. Please consult the trusted medical professional of your choice before using any of the information contained on this site.
None of the information contained on this site is intended to diagnose, treat, or otherwise substitute for the care and advice from a qualified human or animal medical professional. Please consult the trusted medical professional of your choice before using any of the information contained on this site.