I sat down last week to make myself a spring To Do list. I am terrible about starting one project and then leaving it half-finished when I get distracted by another project (or twelve), only to remember that I didn't finished the first project when I actually need it and have to modify the plan because it isn't finished right now. So I thought that maybe it would help to write everything down so that I can cross each thing off as it is finished.
When I read back over my list I thought "to most people, this list sounds crazy!" But I know all of you other homesteaders (no matter if yours is a vast spread of land, or squished in between your neighbors, like me) will understand my list. Instead of laughing as you walk away shaking your head, you will see my list and maybe think "Hey, that's a good idea. I should add that to my list."
So here is my list:
And that doesn't even include my gardening To Do list - that is long enough on its own! I'm sure my list will grow as the spring wears on. There is never enough time or daylight to finish it all and, as I work on each project, I find more that I need/want to do.
Tell me what kind of "purely homesteading" things are on your To Do list. Do your friends give you odd looks too?
So here is my list:
- set up beehive
- clean off sun room table (to make room for seed starts)
- start more veggie seeds
- prep meal worm brooder
- build compost bins
- make rain barrel
- build red worm bed
And that doesn't even include my gardening To Do list - that is long enough on its own! I'm sure my list will grow as the spring wears on. There is never enough time or daylight to finish it all and, as I work on each project, I find more that I need/want to do.
Tell me what kind of "purely homesteading" things are on your To Do list. Do your friends give you odd looks too?